im overwhelmed by baby's msg. the msg instantly touched my heart and tears came rolling down uncontrollably. without failed he's always by my side, nt specifically in terms of reality that he's right beside me now but despite the distance between the both of us.. just a call or msg from him is enough to erase ALL my sullen and gloomy mood and replaced with a big smile instantly on my face. how magically is that? how can i nt be feeling blissful for hving someone who always showering his love on me, giving me the best he can and comforting me whenever im feeling down. he's all that i ever need!
i recieved baby's parcel this morning. just when im abt to come out of the bathroom, my mum told me that the parcel arrived. i get so excited that i quickly wrap my hair with the towel and rush out of the bathroom. im so overwhelmed to see the parcel right infront of me and with my hair wrap with the towel, i opened the parcel anxiously. the whole box was filled with lots of styrofoam, and i was digging thru it trying to find the first item. the first item was the A3 picture, then the absoult vodka filled with saga seeds and the last item, the box with the 'me to you' bear and the card together with the 'me to you' hp chain.
had 3 hrs of break today, so we girls decided to go Lot1 and we had Long John Silvers for lunch. went over to the pets corner and saw this very cute shoe for dogs. geez. it cost abt $39 if im nt mistaken. it'll sure look super adorable if YQ's maltese wear it. =)) we girls took neo-prints together too and due to that we were late for lesson. lol. its was hella FUN shotting with them! will upload it as soon as aidah scaned it.
went wm with fatty to send the parcel for him, its also my first time sending a parcel overseas. initially i thought i'll be able to send off the parcel when i reach post office but they told me glass material are nt advisable to send as parcel. and added they wont bear any responsibility if anything inside the parcel was spoil or break. i instant lost form on the spot. so no choice fatty send me back and i wrap the glass bottle with those bubble papers, i dunno what is it called but its usually use to wrap those glass material stuffs or fragile items. aft all the troubles i finally manage to send the parcel out to him.
went to catch final destination 3 with them ytd. i give the movie 4/5 stars. the movie just cut off and ended without a ending story or whatsoever. -_- will try to catch big momma's house 2 next wk.
can u believe 2 idiots took bus 61 all the way from bt batok to eunos? argh.. initially we thought bus 61 will reach city hall and i totally got no ideal how we ended up at eunos. duhz. the whole trip was wasted. all efforts down to the drain. =((