im in office right now and my eyes can barely open wide. went to last minute kelong trip ytd after work. it was fun, real fun but the suffering aft the trip.. insufficent sleep!
trip was supposing to start at 7pm, but due to work we reach fisherman's village at 9pm. then we took a boat to the kelong. the wind breeze so shiock lor. felt a lil gidddy when we reached the kelong. but got used to it aft awhile.
they caught live fish up and we had a delicious scrumptious meal. y i say its a scrumptious meal is bcos u know its so fresh tt u see them CAUGHT, then KILL and COOK it immediately. its different from those fish u saw when the uncle cut thru the fish body and pull out the so call gills. i can still recall the image of the poor fish flipping up and down aft its gills is removed, yes still flipping when it can no longer breathe. and the cook for the night, Philip.. i rate him 10 out of 10 stars. we ate abt 5 different dishes, all plate finished up clean, except the fish bones. =)
it was drinking for them when food was over. kelly, sally and i doze off around 3pm. we left the kelong abt 4pm. everyone was damn exhausted by then.
nt much pics taken but there's a video, waiting for kelly to send me.

uncle yew!

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