i recieved baby's parcel this morning. just when im abt to come out of the bathroom, my mum told me that the parcel arrived. i get so excited that i quickly wrap my hair with the towel and rush out of the bathroom. im so overwhelmed to see the parcel right infront of me and with my hair wrap with the towel, i opened the parcel anxiously. the whole box was filled with lots of styrofoam, and i was digging thru it trying to find the first item. the first item was the A3 picture, then the absoult vodka filled with saga seeds and the last item, the box with the 'me to you' bear and the card together with the 'me to you' hp chain.
the moment i opened the box, i could smell HIS perfume. i smelled the bear and instantly it reminds me of the times when i laid on his shoulders with the same smell on his shirt. awww~ memories with him together was once flashing thru my mind with the bear carried on my hand. and while reading the card i could feel the warmth in it, im touched by his words. everything seems like he's just right beside me but the fact.. he's far away from me.

afternoon i recieved his sms telling me that he recieved my parcel as well. =))

the A3 pic.

absolut vodka bottle filled with saga seeds.

e cute lil 'me to you' bear.

e card and the hp chain.

everything together.
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