p/s: ah bao say my hair look like sha mei. do i? :/
now at fan house. just now after school went to salon to cut my fringe. this time i cut it shorter. actually intend to let it grow long but after thinking of the school speech day which i have to attend on 8th april i decide to cut it. if not later take photo very ugly. :/ later going to meet ah bao at west mall for her dinner. qq tonight got duty. tml evening then come back. so sian. today totally in school no mood to study. dunno why also. slack during holidays too much le. just now my dad talk to fan again. ask him dun bring me home too late. when i go out i got mood. when go school no mood. argh!!! i know i can`t be like this. but... dunno why also. gtg go le. blog again when i'm free.
now at fan house again. just now went with him to west mall and bought some stuffs. even went to coffee bean and buy my favourite cake, chocolate of a thousand leaves. hee. really nice. but haven`t eat. he this pig now sleeping again. later going qq house give his mum some stuffs. yesterday night bring ah bao go east coast park. hopefully she feel better. did u? today didn't attend school. damn lazy to wake up in the morning. just now my mum even nag at fan tell them next time ask me dun like this :( if i'm not wrong the time table for this term is change. dunno whether will be a relac one or those sian one.
so siannnnn. now at ah bao house. just now went to eric's bbq. lolx. one thing i must say is that the food there is really nice. good job eirc! got qq to send me to ah bao house after the bbq. now at ah bao house waiting for them to pick us up. dunno later going where again. really sian ar. tml is sunday le. really very fast. going back to school again. hate to study. heard that teck put tattoo. saw some pics of it from his friendster. dun really think that it's nice. haix. i think he still dunno how to think for himself. so big liao still like a hooligan. that day fan told me that ivan now ride wave le. hahax. dunno what happen to his CBR in the end also. very long never come out together with him go rounding also liao. hopefully he not so wei ji mong kok. k lah. nothing much to blog le.
take a look at this link. it's a clip. u will realise the true meaning of 'cruel' after u've seen it.
now at fan house again. so sian. having my march holidays now. just went to east coast park with fan. he sway sia. house no electricity till 5pm. so we go there nua first. wondering the whole week should go where.
having my ITA lesson now. everytime do nothing here de. so blog now. so sian. qq get 1 day leave. but he`s not free to meet me during my break time. think he also very stress about his bike things. he going down to see his bike later. hopefully his bike will soon be repaired.
hmm. now at gene house. hahax. he has grown fatter and fatter. hahax. just like me. wahahahx. yesterday went to causeway point with qq and bought the promised ring. i purposely go choose the looser one. then this morning when i bath, it slip out of my finger and drop. feel kinda uncomfortable wearing it. think a few days more dun wanna wear it on my finger. put it together with my necklace better, won`t lost it also. sian sia. dunno later go where. that day ah bao really unhappy over what qq and i say. but i apologise to her already. thought she know that qq is just saying it for fun only. maybe she really dislike it bah. if u[ah bao] happen to see this, dun put it to heart k. i`ll tell him and make sure next time he won`t say it again. if not i smack his face for u k. :) today had my POI test 20 mcq. i anyhow do de. cause only study abit only. hopefully can pass ar. can pass can le. if not test fail and my attendance fail for jialat ar. tml got school again. sian sian sian. k lah today blog till here.
{girlosophy ~* }
noun: a girl's personal belief about how to live or how to deal with situations
example: love was her sole girlosophy
now at fan house. haix. think my house com really no cure liao. dad wanted to buy a new one but i told him not to. cause i understand how he feels. he just bought a new air-con a few days ago just bcos the previous air-con is spoiled. and the previous one is still kinda new. unlike my bro keep pestering my dad for a new com. heard he found a job. good for him if not he always idle at home doing nothing only. didn`t meet up my darling for 2 days le. kinda lazy. somemore dunno go where also. everytime go those same places i feel very sian. think tonight going malaysia to eat. actually yesterday night wanna go de. but qq have to reach camp very early today so i tell him today then go. cause i dun want him later ride bike without enough sleep kanna accident again. make me worry about him only. this alex really irritate me alot nowadays. his sight makes me wants to puke, makes me wanna give him a tight slap, makes me wanna smack and punch him. i think this iza is kinda fond of him. i read her blog just now. she didn`t mention who the "he" she`s mentioning in her blog is, but i have a strong sense that is alex. hope this iza will soon find what a guy he is. hopefully her eyes are not that small to realise it too late. last time when i`m close with alex i already ask him to consider about iza. cause i can see that she is kinda interested in him. but alex told me that he won`t fall for her especially is a her who is a malay. [iza, if u see this and it kinda makes u feel unhappy then i`m sorry about it] he`s not a guy worth u missing and thinking of him. cause he`s always acting like someone who he isn`t. wondering how will my dear look like if he wear those clothes i bought for him. hee. tonight can see him le. yeah! nowadays i really fat liao sia. dunno when then going on diet. argh!!! why i`m not those skinny type de.
damn long never blog le. cause com spoli ar. all thanks to my bro. now at ah bao house using her com. bought some clothes for qq yesterday at beach road. haix. really broke le ar. still owe ah bao money. hor ah bao? hahax.tonight gonna meet my darling. just had my 2.4 today morning in school. argh!!! damn shag man. think tml when i wake up my leg sure pain de. long time never blog dunno what to say so i think i`ll make a summary better. qq kanna accident. ah fan announced that he wanna jian fei. weihao`s O level results is not what we expected. think that`s about it le bah. gonna wish weihao good luck. and also qq. hopefully can get the stupid mers plate number. k lah. blog next time. really dunno what to say liao.