didn't go to school today again. still very confused. at bao house from morning till now. took a photo of her when she's asleep. lolx. ah bao listen up! this is a warning for u not to always sleep sleep sleep. hahax.

didn't go to school today again. still very confused. at bao house from morning till now. took a photo of her when she's asleep. lolx. ah bao listen up! this is a warning for u not to always sleep sleep sleep. hahax.
second day of school. still kinda bored. especially when teacher is teaching. feel like entering to my dreamland. still thinking if i wanna continue my studies. maybe i should stop wasting time on things which i'm not interested? or it's just the way of how life is?
went to the PCK musical with bao yesterday. really enjoy myself. thanks alot ah bao. the dance was really nice. an unforgettable night.
me and bao went town today. and i'm really angry over those people. we both went to take photos together. then we forget to choose those we want out of all the pics. then the other groups of people went in and take their photos. but the walk out cause the screen still appear our pics for us to choose. but we didn't knew it. we both are standing at the other side waiting to edit our pics. fuck them. why can't they just open their golden mouth and tell us that we haven't finish our pics yet. haix. it's very obvious that they don't wanna speak up. if not we will have better and nicer pics. argh!!!
Again.. im at fan house. haiz so sian, damn long never blog already. hmm recently very busy, busy with lots of work in the factory. my hand aching, so painful..... hope someone will care for me, but haiz no one will care for me one. dont know why also, nowadays people all change already. Recently have been meeting up with her at dinner time to have dinner with her at her workplace there... The food there sucks!!! especially the chai fan ah, like shit!! Going to PCK musical on the 18th, cant wait for that day to come. But hor, haiz i spend so much $$ to buy one more ticket just for my the other friend to go watch with me... Haha ... dont know want to wear what also. hope the show is nice. and i just cant wait to take my new bike. anyway she tomorrow never work, think she going JB later with our friends. Anyway,everyone reading will feel a bit snook rite ?? U all noe y ?? Cos i am not zhen foong !!!! Hahahahahahahahahahha ...... The person whu create this post is ah bao and qi fan ... Hahahahaha ..... And everything mention above is nth to do with zhen Foong... Is the things abt ah bao and qi fan .... Thanks for reading our "bloG" .... Hahaha ... Happy reading .... byeZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ !!