haha. this is my second post for today. hee. just come back from malaysia with them. weihao just got his passport today then so eager to go malaysia. haha. actually wanna go holiday plaza walk walk de. but this qifan lah. say what he promise his mum to go suntec city with her. everytime spoil-sport de. i think qingquan nowadays really down lor. all is because of money problem. i understand how he feels. but sometimes the way he wanna act strong infront of us makes me feel damn irritated of him. it`s the fact but he keep on denying it. i dunno what`s the point of it lor. trying to be a real gentleman? i dun think so at all. hai. dunno what to say about him lah. hopefully he will feel happier. see him sad like this i also feel unhappy for him. qifan just now say go buy new year clothes. makes me no mood to buy sia. no clothes to buy also. dun feel like going to relative house on chinese new year. every year so boring de. go there liao still have to let others say this and that. so sian ar. just now weihao keep asking tonight got come out mah. i know it`s very difficult for qingquan. he said his oil tank empty le. hai. if later come out he sure like unhappy de. then act a strong face again.

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