had my 2nd round of slp till now.
still feeling kinda slpy. *yawns
ytd aftnoon went suntec carrefour as the guys needed to buy stuffs for their "WIFE". lol
we proceed to the 2nd level to get their stuffs.
and we saw this very big piglet at the shelves selling at only $29.90.
i got one from the shelves immediately,
pat it and hug it as thou its mine. *hehs
but dat wasnt the biggest among them till i saw this huge teddy bear lying next beside to the piglet shelves. *oh gossh
and without delay..
i asked hao to help me tk a pic with the huge teddy.
very budget hor. *hahs
the teddy bear's face was so big till can hardly see my face beside it in the pic.
see it for yourself ah.
aft the guys bought those watever stuffs they needed..
we headed down to lido and bought tickets in advance for the midnight movie 'tom yum goong'.
before going hm qq bought us to autobacs..
and again he's there to buy goodies for his WIFE. *grr
it was a shopping spree for the guys ytd i might say.
when it comes to shopping for guys..
they go places where they can find good stuffs to CLEAN, POLISH, PROTECT and SHINE for their car.
no difference as hving facial at beauty salon.
their car or bike stand another half of their life.
just like we girls.. shopping is part of our life as well.
meet up the rest at night for the movie 'tom yum goong'.
wah lau eh~
the stunts really bo beh zhao.
if u haven watch it i suggest u shld go catch it.
its worth spending your few bucks on it.

see.. the teddy's face is abt 3 times bigger than my face.

still i took a pic with the piglet eventually, thou it wasnt as big as the teddy. lol.
and by looking at the pic u can tell dat im hving a bad hair day *grr. my hair doesnt look as it supposed to be.
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